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Yonah Freemark
Great roundtable in @boltsmag about the consequences of the Supreme Court's recent ruling on homelessness. This ruling "was designed explicitly to be cruel to people experiencing homelessness." boltsmag.org/grants-pass-ruling-homelessness/
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Steven Mazie
SCOTUS gave us…a lot on their way out of town and you might have missed the 8th amendment homelessness case decided on Friday. It was a treat to join the great @hooliwho on @voxdotcom’s daily pod to dig into it. podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/today-explained/id1346207297?i=1000660944918
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Tom Farrey
Will be interesting to see how this ruling impacts access to public parks for youth & community sport programs. In some cities, parks have been compromised by encampments and other factors (used needles, homeless ppl in bathrooms). What will mayors do? apnews.com/article/supreme-court-homeless-camping-bans-506ac68dc069e3bf456c10fcedfa6bee
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Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda
"The answer to fixing homelessness is housing," said Metropolitan King County Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, who described the ruling as being "on the wrong side of history." @seattletimes www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/wa-leaders-praise-fear-supreme-courts-homelessness-ruling/
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